

AdonisMale Blogger icon
Welcome to AdonisMale on Blogger, the official blog of the website!

About the Website

AdonisMale is a website encompassing a forum, blog, and galleries celebrating a world of male gods. Step into a pantheon of masculinity and desire as you explore the the splendor of the male body and the exquisite beauty of the male form. What makes AdonisMale unique is our structure of partnership -- a joint effort among some of the Internet's most respected gay archivists to collectively share our hand-picked, personal pictures. What started out as a small project four years ago among two people has grown into one of the world's largest online archives of gay and homoerotic content in an award-winning site.

Discover handsome youths, muscular hunks, male models, toned jocks, and the most beautiful Adonis men in the world as you explore the wonders within AdonisMale. Visit the website >>

Exploring the Blog

The AdonisMale blog contains many special series created exclusively for the blog. In particular, the blog showcases the following special categories:
  • Hunks of Adonis -- a random and delectable medley of hot jocks, fashion models, handsome faces, muscle, and other assorted gay pictures collected from around the Internet 
  • Featured Album -- for an easy and digestible way to preview the hundreds of albums in the galleries, the series shows excerpts from random albums 
  • Color Splash -- the famous swirl of rainbow colors and hot men exclusive to AdonisMale is now on the blog 
  • Model Spotlight -- high-fashion models from the covers of catalog magazines to runways, famous athletes and sportsmen, aspiring actors and established stars, fitness bodybuilders and physique models
Partner Blog

Would you like to join the unique AdonisMale Partnership? Become a partner in one of the web's foremost free gay websites by reading more or contacting the webmaster. To become a partner, you only need to be committed to sharing great pictures with the world.


The AdonisMale Blog does not claim credit for images featured on our site, unless otherwise noted. If you own rights to any of the featured images and articles and do not wish such materials to appear here, please use the Contact Page with a valid DMCA Notification. I will immediately withdraw the images or provide appropriate copyright notices and / or links to your email and / or web site. Please note that no harm, material or otherwise, was intended or imposed by showing copyright photos.